Box comparison

Adding photo
On-off feature
Glass cover
Sound loudness
   Acrylic box
   Dancing box
Maple / Walnut / Rosewood
   Decagon box
   Dome box
Maple / Walnut / Rosewood
   Heart box
Maple / Walnut
   Heart box 2
Maple / Walnut
   Jewelry box
Maple / Walnut / Rosewood
   Jewelry box 2
Maple / Walnut / Rosewood
   Mixed wood box
   Photo box
Maple / Walnut
   Piano box
White / Red / Black / Laminated
   Ring box
Maple / Walnut / Rosewood
   Round Acrylic box
   Shell box
Maple / Walnut
   Speaker box
Maple / Walnut
   Speaker box 2
   Squre box
   Wooden box
Maple / Walnut
   Woonden box 2
Maple / Walnut / Rosewood

Adding photo

There are a slot to add your photo inside the box.

On-off feature

When the box is closed, the music will stop when opening the music box will play. It is different from other boxes where music will play indefinitely until the wind up mechanism runs out of energy, whether closing or opening the box. The dome boxes also have this feature but it will be on-off switch instead of open-close box mechanism.

Glass cover

A cover for protecting a mechanism from dust. The box that doesn’t contain the cover might be dusty overtime, however, it will not effect the the mechanism much.

Sound loudness

The box works as amplifier for the music box. The bigger the box is, the louder music box will sound.